Monday, 12 December 2016

hobbies with PI

Zelda, Cindy ..... Look who's here,,,PI

Zelda and Cindy rush to meet their best friend PI, He was welcomed with lick, kisses and pats on the shoulder once the sniffing exercise was complete.

As the humans settled down to drink the tasteless, tongue burning liquids, the dogs settled on the floor, happily chatting in their invisible language.

Zelda: PI, come play with me..
PI: Not interested dude...You don't play fair..You want to win always.
Zelda: Arre... what does that even mean? The best always wins..This is how dog games happen.
Cindy: Errrr....As your 24*7 playmate, you don't exactly play fair.

Zelda: Cindy....You might miss a few teeth if you continue talking like this.

PI: Whatever, lets relax..that is my hobby
Zelda: Howby? What is that.
PI: It is hobby...And it is what we do in our free time.
Zelda: What is free time..I never seem to have free time. These humans are so careless. Our den is so close to every passage and I need to be so alert to catch any wayward person who might actually be a milk man or a newspaper guy,
Cindy: Yes, those guys are very wierd. I don't understand why they need to hover around the gate if they dont want to enter...And they do it everyday.

PI: Girls!! these are trivial things. Pls cultivate a hobby... Humans will love you more
Zelda: Okay, Let me think of few hobbies..

Cindy: I have one... Barking at pigeons..Those nasty, smelly, parasites... I will bark at them till they fly back to their dens.

PI: Ermmmmmmmmmm..... Pls don't involve barking, growling or howling in your list. It will not go well with these humans.

Zelda: I have one... Meditating in front of the ice box to magically open and throw us treats. In fact I love the idea so much, I am gonna do it right away.

Cindy: I have one too... Sniffing at the window sills , I might catch a fly or two.

PI: Good girls, let us start our hobby.

A few minutes later....

Zelda: This new ice box just doesn't open...It is a boring hobby.
Cindy: All flies have run away.. It is a boring hobby too.

Zelda: Let's play tag.....
Cindy: Best hobby ever...Best hobby ever....Best hobby ever...Best hobby ever.....Best hobby ever...Best hobby ever

PI: Girls will be girls....!!!Human, let us go home!
Zelda: I love your home, Hema , let us goooo

Hema: OMG, i think they want to go out, let's go for a walk and then maybe to your plac..
PI's Hema: Sure...

All 3 dogs: Yeahhhhhhh!!!

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